Good teppanyaki is not so hard to come by in Japan but this one was one of our favorites. They carefully grill high quality Japanese black beef to the right texture for you to savor supreme dishes with seasonal ingredients.
Kisentei is located in Tokyo Midtown mall, with a beautiful view over Midtown Garden.
Choices are limited but don’t think anybody would complain. Just select your cut and size.
Our chef is grilling the vegetables as starter. Seeing him enjoying what he’s doing and happy to be cooking and serving delicious food was something we welcomed after our time with Parisian servers.As always in Japan, every fine detail has been thought of. Just like, using iron spatulas to protect guests from oil splashes.Vegetables are stir-fried then cooked with the vapor trapped in the brass cover.Wish we were fluent in Japanese. All his guests seemed to enjoy their conversation with the chef.Grilled garlic add a delicious aroma and flavor to the oil that the steaks and the rice will be cooked with. Don’t worry about the amount of garlic, Japanese garlic aren’t as strong as their Mediterranean cousins.Vegetables and garlic are grilled and ready. Waiting for the steak, now.Cuts are not as large as they would be in US but they were extremely tasty and full of flavor.Sirloin is being prepped with salt and pepper.This is the moment you have been waiting for since the beginning of the meal.Remaining small pieces of meat (and fat), grilled with the remaining garlic oil and some rice. Steak is absolutely fantastic and garlic rice is the finishing touch it deserves.Garlic rice is ready.Our tab at the end of the meal. Mainly due to weak yen, you can get a better value for money in Japan then in Europe.On the other side of the Midtown Garden, you can see 21_21 Design Sight (no typo) that was made by Tadao Ando. Another reason to come to this side of the town.